M.A.C. Board of Directors



President: Craig Burkhead,  president@monroeartscouncil.org

Vice President:  Jim Bloss,  vicepresident@monroeartscouncil.org

Vice President of Finance: treasurer@monroeartscouncil.org

Treasurer:  Deborah S. Larson,  treasurer@monroeartscouncil.org

Secretary:  Jesse Crowther,   secretary@monroeartscouncil.org

Member Organization Representatives

Monroe Concert Band: 

Mark Bordeau,  president@monroeconcertband.org

Sky Performing Arts: 

Alexandra Clark, skyperformingarts.spa@gmail.com

Are you interested in becoming a member of our board?

Contact us for more information, or you can apply to join online. We would love to meet you!