New Stage Extension at the Wagner


The Wagner Performing Arts Center just added a whole lot of real estate to its stage!

After carefully considering feedback from organizations that rent the WPAC for performances, the Monroe Arts Council made the decision last year to invest in this major improvement to the facility.  Because while seating capacity at the auditorium is huge, the stage could sometimes feel a wee bit tight for performers in modern productions.  

Not anymore! The installation was complete in mid-January, and what difference it makes.

The pit cap stage extension takes advantage of the area over the infrequently used orchestra pit. The increased space opens up a whole new range of possibilities for performers on stage.  Split Second Improv has already put on two shows using the extended stage, and are giving it rave reviews.  SSI director (and M.A.C. president) Robert Bogue reports that it is a dream to perform on.  

But fans of live orchestra productions need not worry!  The extension is designed for easy removal when the pit is needed for musicals. 

You can see the extension in use at a number of upcoming performances.  Split Second Improv performs twice monthly, and Sky Performing Arts presents the comedy The Imaginary Invalid in April.  Check our Events page for dates, times, and ticket information. 


The pit cap installation in progress.


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